Best Value

We deliver the best value services in the industry.

Exceptional Service

At Unified Labor Rx, customer service is our top priority.

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Unions First

Our services are created specifically for organized labor.

What we do

The well-being of one is the concern of all

At Unified Labor Rx, organized labor is both a client and a partner – our success is your success. Our goal is to achieve the best balance between cost and efficacy for both members and plans, which is why we pursue any and all solutions in an integrated way. If there’s a way to reduce costs without compromising patient outcomes, we’ll pursue it aggressively and competently.

our services

More than a PBM

We offer comprehensive, integrated services focused on aggressively securing the best possible outcomes for our clients and their members.

Pharmacogenomic Testing

This exciting new breakthrough allows doctors to tailor therapies to individual patients in order to maximize their effectiveness and reduce the risk of adverse effects.  Pharmacogenomic testing removes the need for trial-and-error, helping patients get the right treatment faster.

Lowest-Net-Cost Formulary Option

We don’t give preference to higher-cost drugs just to score a big rebate from the manufacturer. Our mission is to reduce costs for our clients and their members, so when there’s a clinically sound, cost-effective alternative to name brands, such as generics or biosimilars, we’ll make sure it’s covered.

Biosimilar Access

Biosimilars are one of the most exciting things happening in the pharmaceutical industry today, offering affordable alternatives to high-cost specialty drugs that have been bleeding health plans dry in recent years. We promise never to delay or limit access to biosimilars due to financial incentives, allowing us to provide greater access and cost management than other PBMs.

Specialty Drug Saving Solutions

Through our exclusive partnerships, we are able to provide access to an array of innovative savings solutions that lower costs – sometimes dramatically – for our clients and their members.

our story

About US

Unified Labor Rx is a next-generation pharmacy benefit management service designed intentionally to meet the needs of organized labor. We offer comprehensive, integrated services focused on aggressively securing the best possible outcomes for our clients and their members. As an omnichannel service provider, we provide our clients and partners with world-class service at a fraction of the price of other PBMs. Our unique revenue-sharing business model makes us a partner in managing your healthcare benefits, not a middleman.

Want to learn more? Email us.